“Give a (wo)man a fish, and you feed her for a day; teach a (wo)man to fish, and you feed her for a lifetime.”

Orange County Nutrition-Led Infant Feeding Classes

As a lifelong learner I believe in the power of education in providing a solid foundation for everything from pregnancy, to postpartum, and beyond. 

I combine my expertise as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Lactation Consultant to offer a variety of classes that empower women and families to nourish themselves and their children in a holistic and family centered way. I share practical tips, evidence-based strategies, and the encouragement you need to help you reach your goals, whatever they may be. 

mother and her children playing

join us for

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Group Classes 

Where we cover…

  • Infant nutrition needs and key nutrients essential for healthy development.

  • Signs of readiness for solids and how to get started.

  • Various feeding approaches, including baby-led weaning, purees, and combination methods.

  • Understanding the "division of labor" in infant feeding, including when, what, where, and how much to feed.

  • Developmentally appropriate food preparation and safety tips.

  • How and when to introduce potential allergens with confidence.

  • Strategies for raising a happy and curious eater.

  • Recommendations for favorite utensils and feeding gear to make the journey easier.

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One-on-One Consultations

Where I offer…

  • Personalized guidance tailored to your family’s unique feeding needs and goals.

  • Support provided conveniently in the comfort of your own home.

  • Assistance during mealtime to walk you through everything from food preparation to feeding, addressing any challenges or concerns.

  • Ongoing support available via text or phone to ensure confidence throughout your journey.

    This service is ideal for families who have completed a basic infant feeding course and are ready for customized, one-on-one guidance to take the next steps.